A “cookie” is a text file that is stored on computers, tablets, mobile phones and any device used to browse the Internet, where it is stored in order to be retransmitted to the same sites the next time the same user visits.
This website uses cookies to improve navigation and to provide services and functionality to its users and visitors. The use of cookies can be restricted or disabled through your web browser; however, without cookies some or all of the site’s functionality may be unusable.
In particular, our site uses Strictly Necessary Cookies that are essential to complete the tasks you request, for example, to store information you provide while browsing the site or to manage your “login” status during your visit; it uses Analytics Cookies that allow us to collect data about site usage, such as content visited and functionality used, with the aim of improving the performance and layout of the site. These cookies may be sent by the Analytics tool provider, but are only used for site-related purposes.
In the course of browsing, the user may also receive cookies sent by different sites or web servers (so-called third parties), on which certain elements (e.g. images, maps, sounds, specific links to pages in other domains) present on the site that the user is visiting may reside.
Cookies can be classified into:
– Session cookies: which are removed when the user closes the browser and which, therefore, have a limited duration to your visit;
– Persistent cookies: which remain on the device you use to browse the Internet for a fixed period of time. These cookies have typical expiration dates and, therefore, their duration varies depending on the cookie used.
– Proprietary Cookies and Third Party Cookies: depending on whether they belong to the website owner or a third party.
These cookies are essential in order to navigate around the website, for example they allow the temporary storage of account data for access to the relevant reserved area of the website and enable the use of the different functions in the reserved areas.
Used to collect information, in aggregate and anonymous form, on the number of users and how they consult the site in order to improve it and understand which parts or elements are most appreciated.
A third-party cookie is used for this purpose, namely Google Analytics. Thiscookien is not a tool that we own, for more information, therefore, you can consult the information provided by Google at the following address:http://www.google.com/intl/en/analytics/privacyoverview.html
This site does not use profiling cookies.
These are permanent cookies used to identify (anonymously and non-anonymously) the user’s preferences in order to develop a specific profile for customising commercial offers, for carrying out market research or distance selling.
This site uses social media cookies (namely, cookies from the Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn platforms), which are managed by third parties and, therefore, we are not responsible for them.
These cookies are used, for example, to share content.
The management of the information collected by the third parties and the type of processing of personal data are governed by the relevant privacy policies to which please refer.
For more information on how the Third Party uses cookies, please find below the web addresses of the different policies and how to manage social cookies.
Policy: www.facebook.com/about/privacy
Disclosure: www.linkedin.com/legal/cookie-policy
Configuration: www.linkedin.com/legal/cookie-policy
Disclosure: https://support.twitter.com/articles/20170514
Configuration: https://twitter.com/settings/security
At any time, you may refuse to accept all or some of the cookies used by this website by simply selecting the settings on your browser that allow you to refuse them.
Each browser has specific configuration instructions. Further information on how to disable cookies can be found on the website of the browser provider.
Google Chrome: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?hl=it
Mozilla Firefox: http://support.mozilla.org/it/kb/Attivare%20e%20disattivare%20i%20cookie
Internet Explorer: http://windows.microsoft.com/it-it/windows7/block-enable-or-allow-cookies
Apple Safari: https://support.apple.com/it-it/HT201265
To disable only the use of Google Analytics cookies, you can use the add-on provided by Google at the following link following the procedure indicated by Googlehttps://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=it
By disabling cookies, you can still use some parts of the website, but some services may not be usable.
The Data Controller is Avv. Armando Simbari with registered office in Via Durini, 7 – Milan MI – Tel. +39 02 39431467 – Email: a.simbari@simbari.it.
The Data Controller reserves the right to make changes to this cookie policy. The user and/or visitor to the website agrees to be bound by any such future revisions and therefore undertakes to periodically visit this page to be informed of any changes.